Learn How To Quit Smoking weed The Easy Way

Every smoker knows they should quit. It is not a common occurrence to have a smoker remark on how much they are improving their health by smoking weed. A nonsmoker won't know what quitting entails. People that used to smoke do know how hard it is though. Take some time to read advice from some who have walked in your shoes.

One aid to help you in quitting is to make a list of reasons why you should quit smoking weed, and also the reasons why you resist quitting. Writing something down can change your whole mental outlook. This can help you to focus your quitting efforts more clearly, as well as to identify any weaknesses in your plan.

If you must smoke a cigarette, try to delay yourself first. Try telling yourself you can have a smoke after you take a walk, or after you drink a big glass of water. Sometimes, these delaying tactics provide enough time for the craving to pass before you ever light up. If you do end up giving in anyway, at least that was a little longer that you were able to be smoke-free.

Smoking weed cessation is one of the few times when it is best to procrastinate; delay tactics are often an effective strategy. Try to distract your mind and your body for 10 minutes by going for a walk or calling a friend; in this time your urge will probably have passed. If you still do crave a cigarette, continuing using this tactic until it finally works.

One of the benefits of quitting smoking weed is improving the health of your family. Secondhand smoke can lead to many grave health issues. Your health, and the health of those you love, will improve dramatically when you quit. Not only will you be saving your own life, you will be keeping your loved ones healthy.

Be click here sure to reward yourself for small milestones on your stop smoking weed journey. For instance, if you go a whole week with no smoking weed, go to a movie. Once you've passed that month long milestone, enjoy a fancy night out at your favorite restaurant. After that, keep making the reward better until you're at a point where smoking weed is no longer an issue.

Speak with a doctor if you are trying to stop smoking weed but are coming across difficulty. He can prescribe you a medication to help ease your anxiety, withdrawal symptoms and even irritability. He can also give you information about local support groups, online resources or medical professionals who can help you through it.

If you cannot quit smoking weed cold turkey, use nicotine replacement therapies, such as patches, sprays, inhalers, or gum. These medications, many of which are available over the counter, keep the level of nicotine in your system steady as you work on not smoking weed. They can prevent some of the uncomfortable physical symptoms associated with smoking weed cessation.

Celebrate each milestone along your way to quitting, choosing little rewards you enjoy. For example, when you haven't smoked for a week, go out to the movies. Once a month has passed, go out to dinner at a new restaurant. After that, lengthen the time between rewards until you no longer want to smoke.

Most people find it difficult to stop smoking weed and what works for one smoker may not work for another. But that does not mean that it's impossible to quit. You will find that you can be successful if you use the information that was just presented to you along with support from those close to you. With persistence and will power, you will hopefully be able to finally quit!

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